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Innovative measuring technology for all industries

Digital technical press event highlights how specific customer requirements are incorporated into product and portfolio development

Дата публикации: 05.02.2024

Companies must continually increase efficiency and optimize processes to remain both competitive and innovative. The corresponding challenges and requirements of the individual industries vary greatly. With this in mind, Endress+Hauser’s digital technical press event on 31 January 2024 was organized under the theme “Innovative measuring technology for all industries”.  

Endress+Hauser strategically aligns its marketing and innovation processes with specific industries so that knowledge and requirements from various sectors flow into the product development process. During the event, experts presented examples of products that address challenges stemming from customer applications and explained which approaches ensure that industry-specific needs can be incorporated into the portfolio.

Philipp Garbers, head of marketing at Endress+Hauser Germany, emphasized in his presentation that this industry orientation leads to greater value for customers. Thomas Jahn, head of department & senior expert in ultrasonic marketing at Endress+Hauser Flow, introduced the ultrasonic flowmeters Proline Prosonic Flow W 400 and P 500.

Patrick Engstler, global product manager system components at Endress+Hauser Temperature+System Products, spoke about the benefits of the temperature transmitters iTEMP TMT36 and iTEMP TMT86.

Johannes Kienle, product manager at Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis, presented the new portfolio for water disinfection featuring Memosens 2.0 technology. Klaus Köhler, global life sciences industry manager at Endress+Hauser, then concluded the presentations by discussing innovations in the Raman analysis portfolio for biotechnology applications.

Missed the livestream? A recording of the event is now available.

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